Australian Hemp Body Balm / Herbal Salve


Private Label Products White Label Wholesale australian hemp body balm butter skin smoothie

To Order Call 478.475.0039

Acne Buster, Anti-Aging, Brightening/Tightening/Toning, Deep Hydration, Dermatitis, Dry/Cracked Skin, Eczema/Psoriasis, Hair & Nails, Increases Elasticity, Itching, Prevents Moisture Loss, Stimulates Cell Production, Varicose Vein Treatment 

Ahh Hemp. Golden or Green? Drug or Beauty Product? Hemp is more than a plant, food, material or source of ecstasy. Always a hot topic of debate, the impressions of hemp are changing - especially in skin care. Whichever side of the debate you’re on, consider this. Our Australian Hemp Butter has no THC. Zip. What does it have? Everything else. Consider Jax and Olivia Seager. Jax and Olivia own the oldest “legal” Eco Hemp Farm in the Southern Hemisphere. Their food grade, certified-organic Hemp is some of the most sought after on the planet… and for good reason… but, first a history lesson. 

Hemp is one of the oldest recorded, cultivated crops, dating back to China in 5000BC. The Greeks discovered Chinese Hemp being used in clothing, shoes, ropes and paper. Somehow, in the hands of a Greek Alchemist, hemp was further broken down into ingredients for medicinal oils and ash soap. Hemp would continue to move, in waves, across continents, stopping for more product development in Germany, Spain; and, from there, it found it’s way, via Henry VIII, to the New World where landowners were required to grow a quarter acre of it for every 60 acres of land they tilled. It was so prized, it was an accepted form of tax payment. Fast forward… President Hoover, under immense “big corporation” pressure, established the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs and the rest, as they say, is history.

Back to Tasmania. Hemp is not marijuana. Marijuana is Hemp’s “red-headed stepchild cousin.” What can it do for skin and why is our recipe the creme de la creme? Our Australian Hemp Butter comes from Tasmanian Golden Hemp seeds - manufactured by first cleaning the seeds and then cold pressing them to extract the golden-green oil. Hemp Butter is Omega Oil on “steroids.” It contains the perfect blending of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids - the ones your skin craves. In the American diet, we have become so devoid of true Omega Oils that Dermatological problems are at an all time high. For psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis sufferers, Hemp is the anti-inflammatory answer. Hemp hydrates the skin rapidly, past the surface level, relieving dry, cracked, itchy skin on contact. The fats and lipids in our Hemp Butter blend are almost identical to those found in the sebaceous glands of the skin. This makes it an incredible moisturizer and skin protectant - adding elasticity and bringing new life into tired, dull, dehydrated skin!

Australian Hemp Butter adds a protective layer to the skin, helping to provide relief from acne, rashes and redness. Hemp Butter never blocks pores. It actually helps balance oil (sebum) production. Its anti-aging properties are legendary. A major antioxidant, Hemp Butter is known to slow, even prevent cell damage. It contains Vitamin D, allowing its natural counterpart, Calcium, to be absorbed at the level needed for smooth, soft, supple skin. Australian Hemp Butter also stimulates healthy, new cell production and acts as a skin guard to prevent moisture loss. To tone and tighten, while moisturizing… to shrink and lighten pores while looking younger… to combat lines and blackheads… and restore skin’s balance. Journey DOWN UNDER...with Australian Hemp Butter.




To Order Call 478.475.0039

​These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.