Advanced Acne Products

advanced acne products

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See Also Activated Charcoal Collection For additional acne products.

Acne is a common skin condition that affects approximately 85% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 24. (This does not take into consideration body acne, which may drive that percentage up dramatically.)

The prevalence of acne is higher in our Westernized societies, with rates of up to 95% in certain populations and areas of the country. Most specialists agree that this large discrepancy is due to the poor diet of Americans, as well as the ever increasing environmental toxin overload being thrust upon us.

Acne is most prevalent during adolescence and early adulthood with 
peak incidences occurring between the ages of 14 and 19. However, acne can and certainly does, persist into adulthood, affecting up to 40% of people (globally) over the age of 25. 

Acne is more common in females than males. Approximately 25% of females and 12% of males report having acne. Again, this discrepancy is very likely due to the fact that more females seek professional help for skin issues than do males.

The severity of acne varies widely.

Mild acne is characterized by occasional whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.
Moderate acne involves more frequent and severe lesions, such as cysts and nodules. Severe acne is characterized by extensive scarring and, possible, disfigurement. The latter category represents roughly 15% of all known acne cases.

Acne is a common skin condition that affects approximately 85% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 24. (This does not take into consideration body acne, which may drive that percentage up dramatically.)

The prevalence of acne is higher in our Westernized societies, with rates of up to 95% in certain populations and areas of the country. Most specialists agree that this large discrepancy is due to the poor diet of Americans, as well as the ever increasing environmental toxin overload being thrust upon us.

Acne is most prevalent during adolescence and early adulthood with 
peak incidences occurring between the ages of 14 and 19. However, acne can and certainly does, persist into adulthood, affecting up to 40% of people (globally) over the age of 25. 

Acne is more common in females than males. Approximately 25% of females and 12% of males report having acne. Again, this discrepancy is very likely due to the fact that more females seek professional help for skin issues than do males.

The severity of acne varies widely.

Mild acne is characterized by occasional whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.
Moderate acne involves more frequent and severe lesions, such as cysts and nodules. Severe acne is characterized by extensive scarring and, possible, disfigurement. The latter category represents roughly 15% of all known acne cases.

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